

TIPS n TRICKS ? πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸ“‘

1. Willing to Study πŸ”₯

PREPARE your willing and intention to learn about Operating System.
Well, we can’t just rely on the intention to get score and fulfill the required courses.
Upgrade your insight and intention to explore more and more in OS course.

2. No Week without OS πŸ“š

Spend time from your 24/7 for OS, either it can be to do weekly assignments,
learning new things, or preparing weekly quiz. It DO REALLY helps when you have an ability
to manage time properly. With spare at least 1-2 hours/day for learning OS may help you to
understand the meaning of this course. So. you learn things!

3. Be a Punctual Person ⏲️

Beside the lessons about the OS course, this course also teach you to not be a DEADLINERS.
Do not do your weekly assignment close to deadline, no benefits for doing that!
Do your weekly assignment parts by parts, it really helps. Trust me. You also may need time
to study for your quiz on the next day.

4. GSGS is the culture πŸ–₯️

This course teaches us about GSGS or Google Sana Google Sini.
Do NOT be lazy to search the solutions for every problems that may happen to you.
Try to finish it by yourself before you ask the TA or even the lecturer.
GOOGLE (maybe) provide 99.999% the information that you need, so find it yourself!

5. TAKE attention to the class and READ the SLIDES/BOOKS πŸ“°πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Eventhough, this course let you decide how deep you want to learn about OS ?
but listening to the class and take notes is really helps you to understand MORE rather just
read it on book or slides by your own. Read the lessons from slides/books is
DO REALLY helps for QUIZ and also improve your curiosity about OS, somehow.

6. Regularly Checking Forum at SCeLe and information at Discord

Well, many things that you can get from chill-discussion between teaching assistant and student
they share their knowledge and somehow it helps you to understand OS more. ALSO, many information
that you should not miss! SO, check those two information fields so you won’t skip any information
about quiz and class.

7. AVOID recording class and not paying attention and also start learn on the morning right

before the quiz is held Well, it’s really unrecommended. Since the lecture said that we decide by ourselves what we want to know about OS, but listening and understand the lessons is really important and really help you to do quiz -and go study before quiz!

8. Check your grade frequently on SCeLe.

OS scores is always out for each week, so make sure you evaluate your score everyweek to make
it better and better every week. So you can get a great average score in the end of the semester.

9. Do your task!

Again, OS always have weekly tasks who really help and push you to learn. So, do not think that the task is really simple so you do not or skip of doing it.

10. Deadline is Sunday, but DO IT before THURSDAY!

Well when you have 2 schedule for OS in a week, e.g. on monday and thursday. Then do your assignment
between Monday and BEFORE Thursday ended, just an advice.


G O O D . L U C K 🌟πŸ”₯😎